Friday, March 21, 2008

An Important Message About the Truth

As you know, Tim O'Hare is committed to running an open, honest, ethical campaign. Mr. O'Hare's opponent is basing his campaign on accusations that our city is spending money uncontrollably. The truth is that we're in great shape! It is unfortunate that Tim O'Hare's opponent is trying to fool people into thinking our city's financial situation is just the opposite. Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ben Robinson and I had to address some of these very egregious misstatements by his opponent; we felt very strongly that the good people of Farmers Branch deserve the truth. We wrote a letter refuting Mr. O'Hare's opponents claims, you can quickly access that letter from Ben Robinson and myself here:

Please spread this information to your friends and neighbors! Know that all the figures listed in this letter were checked and re-checked with city staff, and are accurate.

Have a great Easter weekend, hope to see you Saturday at the Egg Hunt!

Tim Scott



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