Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Visit Mayor Pro Tem Tim O'Hare's Blog

Tim O'Hare has an excellent blog post today about the Mayorial campaign and about our efforts to continue our fight against illegal immigration in our city. Take some to time to go read it, here's the link.

Tim Scott


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. O'Hare, I've been in your corner for over a year and when I was asked who I was going to vote for, for Mayor of FB; I said Tim O'Hare. This person came unglued and spit out about the lamp posts, the deficit, the debt we have incurred with the laysuits. I could not believe that a perfectly knowledable person could react this way. Please get your message out beyond your website, that people may not reach, and make a bigger bang. PLEASE! Also, when more signs are printed I want one. And I would like to physically help your campaign if there is something I can do. I have lived in FB since 1964 and I want it revitalized!!!Thanks,

Alida m. Luce (Nicki)

March 19, 2008 at 7:58 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alida. We have responses to that nonsense coming. Don't worry. Here is my cell phone: 214-724-7001. Call me when you have a chance and we can talk about what you can do to help.

Tim O'Hare

March 20, 2008 at 1:21 PM 

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