Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pharr's Christmas Extravaganza

In addition to the fantastic lights at Holiday in the Park, we have another Christmas treat right here in Farmer Branch. If you haven't been by to check out the Christmas Extravaganza at 14535 Southern Pines Cove, you need to drop everything and do it tonight.

Ken Pharr has put together an extraordinary display of Christmas lights that are synchronized to music. How big is this display? Over 90,000 individual Christmas lights and 6.75 miles of
extension cords. Wow.

Mr. Pharr wants as many people as possible to view this display. He is also collecting non-perishable food and toys for donation to Metrocrest Social Services. To date, he has collected over 400 pounds of toys and food, and $200 in cash.

You can find out more about the display at www.pharrschristmas.com, and here's a video clip of an interview Mr. Pharr did with WFAA Channel 8.
Merry Christmas!

Tim Scott


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes this is truly spectacular. There is also another house on Golfing Green close to Tom Field that has a real nice display and is also taking donations for the Metrocrest Service Center.

December 22, 2007 at 12:19 AM 

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