Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Ruling We All Expected

If you read any of Judge Linday's previous opinions on our ordinances, yesterday's ruling would've been no surprise. Don't worry, we are undetered in our fight to carry out the will of the people!

From the DMN:

"Then we would have two ordinances with which we can appeal to the 5th Circuit," Mr. O'Hare said. "We're confident in the end that we're going to prevail."

"The people's will, and people's decisions, and people's wishes once again get ignored and overturned," City Council member David Koch said.

You can watch news coverage here, or read about it here.

Tim Scott



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think the government would want all the help they could get. I will never understnad why they do not join forces with the individual cities to solve this problem. I have lived in Farmers Branch for over 35 years. I have lived in other cities and came back to Farmers Branch because I appreciate the city council fighting for what is's citizens want and deserve. Thank you!

May 29, 2008 at 9:28 AM 

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