Monday, May 12, 2008

Addison Development Will Impact FB

This is exciting. You may have seen the demolition that has begun on multiple apartment complexes in Addison on Brookhaven Club Drive. The existing structures are being torn down to make way for the new Vitruvian Park development. You can find out more about this development here and here.

While this isn't a Farmers Branch development, it will have a significant and positive impact on the dining and retail options available to our residents, and will only increase the likelihood of additional development in our town.

The next few years will be very exciting in Farmers Branch, as we watch our entire city, from the North Dallas Tollway to the George Bush Tollway, experience new development and revitalization.

Let's go!

Tim Scott

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


This does look like a great improvement to this area. Do you know anything about how they are going to manage the creek? It would appear they are going to have to figure out how to manage the creek levels.

Hal Cone
3718 Wooded Creek

May 26, 2008 at 11:21 AM 

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